
Top Best ways to Relieve Anxiety Immediately

Top Best ways to Relieve Anxiety Immediately

Anxiety can affect human health as well as the whole life circle. We have to get rid of anxiety to move forward in life. There are many ways to relieve anxiety but before that, we have to know the real meaning of anxiety.

So let’s first of all know the meaning of anxiety, what is anxiety.

What is anxiety?

In this article, I will tell you my personal experience When I was suffering from anxiety. I will also tell you how I got rid of anxiety. But before all this,

First, you have to understand what anxiety means for you?

•  A feeling of worry and nervousness about something

•  Eagerly waiting to do something or something to happen

It might cause you to sweat, tense, feel restless, and have a fast heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to stress or something exciting.

Anxiety is a normal part of life. Nowadays almost every person worries about health, career, and money.

There is a 333 rule for Anxiety which is very helpful for many people.

Firstly, identify 3 objects around you.

Second, identify 3 sounds that you can hear around you.

Third is, to move 3 body parts to understand that you are in your senses.

These 333 rules of Anxiety help you to recover and you can live a normal life.

What is anxiety disorder?

Anxiety disorder is our mental condition. It deals with anxious behavior. It interferes with our daily life. In this disorder, it feels impossible to control or manage situations. It shows inappropriate emotional behavior. Most people think that it is impossible to relieve anxietybut in actuality, it is possible to overcome. In the whole world, nothing is impossible.

  1. Panic disorder
  2. GAD (Generalize anxiety disorder)
  3. Phobias
  4. Separation disorder

Most people don’t know about these disorders. Don’t worry I am here to help you that what are these disorders.

So let’s move forward and know the details

Panic disorder is a situational attack. It may occur starting on facing a situation you dread. during a panic attack, a person starts sweating, has chest pain, and goes crazy like having a heart attack.

It is a very upsetting condition. People with panic attacks are worried about the next panic attack when it will occur. They try to avoid the situation.

In GAD (Generalized anxiety disorder) disorder, most women suffer from it rather than men. GAD is a long-term disorder. In this disorder, the person is still worried about everyday issues like money, relationships jobs, etc.

A person who suffers from GAT finds it difficult to remember the last time he was happy. In GAD it varies from person to person feeling restless, worried, and having trouble sleeping. GAD (Generalized anxiety disorder) effect on daily life.

 A phobia is the mental fear of objects and situations. Phobia is mostly common in women rather than men. Each person has a different phobia

In simple words, somebody has a height phobia which is called acrophobia when they are in a high place and look down, they think they might be falling it is just fear.

I also have a height Phobia and I feel like if I go up, I will go down. It is just an illusion.

  1. Phobia related to animals.
  2. Phobia related to the natural environment.
  3. Phobia related to blood, injury, and medical issues.
  4. Phobia related to specific situations
  5. Phobia related to choking, loud noise, and drowning.

Phobia and fear both come across all sizes and shapes. Phobia can be treated through medication and therapy.

Symptom of Anxiety

Most people don’t recognize the symptoms of anxiety. If they have shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, or headache they think it’s normal but actually, it’s not normal it’s a symptom of anxiety.

I was also suffering from anxiety for two to three years. I felt all these symptoms but I didn’t know they were anxiety’s symptoms.

One day I was using social media while scrolling, and Some posts came to me which was written about anxiety, I read them and I felt that I had an anxiety disorder.

So I am going to discuss the symptoms of anxiety below:

  • Lack of sleep or more sleep from normal routine sleep issues.
  • Feeling disturbance in your stomach.
  • Feeling lost of balance weak-headed and dizzy.
  • Feeling sick
  • Use the toilet more than or less often.
  • Irregular or fast heartbeat.
  • Having panic attacks.
  • Unable to relax or feeling tense.
  • Feeling when you are anxious other people can see you and look at you.
  • Feeling like if you stop worrying then bad things will happen.
  • Depression and low mood.
How to Relieve Anxiety

Finally, we come to the topic that you all have been waiting for.

Anxiety affects the ability to work. It is important to relieve anxiety.

Most people think that it’s permanent and no one has a solution to anxiety but nothing is impossible. Everything is possible in the world if you want. It depends on you how do you deal with it? Right?

It is not difficult to relieve anxiety. you just need to adopt some simple activity in your daily routine.

  • First you need to learn and understand your anxiety.
  • Share your feelings with your trusted friend or family member.
  • Try to Remind yourself that you are safe.
  • Try to adopt mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
  • Use calm and relaxed breath exercise
  • Do some exercise or yoga can help to feel relaxed.
  • Make a routine to eat healthy and maintain your energy level.
  • If you are feeling anxious wake up and get up.
  • Give some time to yourself and try to think positive things or happy memories.
  • Take healthy and peaceful sleep.

 Here are some natural ways you can relieve anxiety fast.

  • Try to stay active through yoga and exercise it helps your mental health
  • If you are a smoking person then try to quit smoking Honestly speaking smoking is not your friend.
  • Try to less intake of caffeine. Caffeine is a major cause of anxiety and panic attacks.
  • Make your habit of writing dairy. Try to write down your daily routine and worries about your dairy.
  • Talk yourself
  • Get 6 to 7 hours healthy sleep. If you go to sleep in the bedroom, reduce the use of a mobile phone or TV.
  • Try to practice deep breathing exercises.

EFT ( Effective freedom techniques) tapping is most effective for anxiety and stress. EFT tapping is the tapping of 9 points of the body part to relieve stress and anxiety.

Here I am going to describe the 9 body area points that tap during EFT tapping

  1. Top of head
  2. The side of your body and the top of the thoracic cage.
  3. Side of hand
  4. Inside of your eyebrows
  5. Side of your eyes
  6. Area under your eyes
  7. Area under your nose
  8. Area between chin and lip.
  9. Beginning of the collarbone.

Start tapping from the side of the hand and down to the body in ascending order.

Most people have trouble sleeping due to anxiety. It is too much hard. Night sleep is very important for our mental health and physical health so if we do not sleep properly due to anxiety. That’s a major problem.

Don’t worry about it here are solutions for night anxiety.

  • Make your bedroom dark and cool because your room environment is affecting your mind.
  • Reading and listening to music will help for relaxing sleep.
  • Try to avoid the use of phones, TV, and other electronic devices at night
  • Take a hot bath before going to bed.
  • If you feel anxiety at night get out of bed and do some activity you feel sleepy.
Relieving Anxiety in Dogs

Dogs have also anxiety as humans. When we say that this dog is suffering from anxiety most people laugh and say are you mad, dogs and anxiety, it is impossible. Dogs are also living things as humans they also breathe they have minds.

Anxiety in dogs is mainly from when they feel alone at home, noise pollution, and being strange people around there.

  • Barking too much
  • Aggressive
  • Restlessness
  • Defecating in the house
  • Try to recognize and understand your dog’s language.
  • Regular exercise is good for the physical and mental health of dogs.
  • Play music there are many apps for playlists to calm dogs. Music therapy helps to reduce the barking of dogs when they are anxious.
  • Regular grooming of your dogs helps to reduce stress.
  • Make a schedule for your dog’s massage because massage will relax and calm.

Music is therapy it is a magical technique to reduce anxiety and stress. Music is directly concatenated with the brain. Loud, low, and fast music have different impacts on the brain.

  • Create a music playlist according to your mood (sad, anxious, restless, etc).
  • Try to enjoy music in anxiety or stress.
  • Listen to music to consider without lyrics because every music describes its own stories so that’s why just listen to music not concentrate on lyrics.

Are both anxiety and nightmares connected?

Yes, indeed both are nightmares because anxiety is a real thing.

Here are some examples of anxiety nightmares

  • Making mistakes or forgetting something very important.
  • Wars, bomb blasts, and injuries.
  • Nightmare about having a heart attack waking up feeling fear and then facing difficulty breathing.
  • Experiencing accidents in anxiety nightmares.
  • Financial problems like losing a job or going bankrupt.

Nightmare anxiety is caused by toxic stress and personal difficulties.

Here are a few ways to overcome the anxiety nightmare.

  • Do exercise it will help you to get good sleep. Practice relaxation and mindfulness.
  • Make a sleep schedule.
  • Try to sleep in a cool and calm room.
  • Avoid late-night eating, take off caffeine, and exercise.
  • Try to do Meditation.
  • Try to write down everything that is in your mind.

So, in this article, you know what anxiety is?

In this article, I have told you about the symptoms of anxiety and also about its solution, and how we can relieve anxiety. Everyone suffers from anxiety at some point in their life. But he doesn’t know

I talked about my personal experience when I was suffering from anxiety badly.

All the above tips will help you to relieve anxiety as well.

How do you stop Anxiety immediately?

You need to accept or understand your anxiety
Make a proper routine to go for a walk daily
Take healthy sleep.
Write dairy.
Practice breathing exercises.

How to reduce Anxiety immediately at night.

Avoid the use of mobile phones at night.
Take a warm bath before going to bed.
If you feel anxious at night, get out of bed and do some activity.
Try to share your feelings with your trusted person.

What are the signs of Physical Anxiety?

Feeling restless.
Feeling headache or other pains.
Feeling difficulty in breathing.
Still worried about future or job.
Use too much toilet.
Feeling dizzy
Irregular heartbeat.

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